
Are you satisfied with your company's innovation performance?

Are you satisfied with your company's innovation performance?

Surprisingly, only a meager 6% of leaders can answer this with a resounding YES.

Ten potential reasons for the satisfaction deficit in innovation:

⚡ Lack of a clear innovation strategy

⚡ Absence of an innovation culture

⚡ Misalignment of innovation goals

⚡ Inefficient innovation processes

⚡ Lack of effective systems

⚡ A skill gap in your team

⚡ Resistance to change

⚡ Insufficient resources

⚡ Poor market insight

⚡ Fear of failure

A vast majority is wrestling with innovation dissatisfaction

Is your company part of the majority or the exceptional minority?

Don't be a part of the statistics. Innovate better, innovate right, and join the satisfied 6%.


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